May 5 2023 - Seattle, WA, United States

Introducing Passport: our new online community for signatories of The Climate Pledge

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Carbon Footprint Climate Action Environmental Organizations Net Zero Sustainability Goals


Sally Fouts photo.

Sally Fouts

Global Leader

Welcome to the private online community for signatories of the Pledge that provides practical tools and industry expert connections to help companies achieve their net-zero carbon emissions goals.

I’m thrilled to announce that next week we’ll launch Passport, our new virtual hub for climate action, exclusively for signatories of The Climate Pledge. Within this digital community, signatories will be able to connect with fellow signatories in every industry, discuss niche topics, tackle shared challenges, team up for projects, and sync up for industry events. Think LinkedIn, but just for companies committed to decarbonizing their business by 2040.

As we unveil this powerful resource for companies putting the planet first, I’m most excited about three elements:  

Building relationships | Grow your network by linking up with sustainability pros in top roles all over the globe! Browse the member directory, add new contacts based on complementary interests and areas of expertise, and send messages to have one-on-one conversations anytime. Collaborate with the wider signatory community using real-time discussions in our forums.

Creating industry solutions together | Explore the latest learnings—through on-demand educational content, niche case studies, trending articles, topical research, behind-the-scenes happenings, and real-world findings, to tackle shared challenges with other businesses in your industry.

Scaling climate action | Because no one company or organization committed to decarbonization can solve the climate crisis on their own, Passport allows us to fully harness the collective power of the growing community of Climate Pledge signatories. We built Passport to accelerate action and foster collaboration towards our shared goal of decarbonizing.  

Hats off to our team for creating such a powerful resource, and thank you to our signatories—over 400 companies across the globe!—for being a part of this growing community of businesses leading climate action. I'm thrilled to be able to collaborate with you on global solutions to our environmental crisis, and I'm confident that with Passport we'll be able to move towards our shared commitment faster, together.

Excited about Passport, but not yet a signatory of The Climate Pledge? Start here to join the Pledge.